BALDUR'S GATE Interplay The surprise hit of the year also boasts some surprisingly useful cheats. Open the file 'baldur.ini' in your Baldur's Gate directory, and add the line "Cheats=1" under the Game Options line. Save the file and run the game. During play, hit Ctrl and Tab to bring up the cheat console. Now, type in the cheats exactly as they appear here, and press Enter to activate. Finally, press Ctrl and Tab again to close the console, and away you go. Cheats:CowKill() Create a cow kill spell if you're near a cow Cheats:TheGreatGonzo() Summon 10 killer chickens to join your party Cheats:CriticalItems() Spawn all of the game's critical items Cheats:DrizztDefends() Create a friendly Drizzt Cheats:DrizztAttacks() Create a hostile Drizzt Cheats:Midas() Gives you 500 gold Cheats:FirstAid() Create 5 healing potions, 5 poison antidotes and 1 Stone to Flesh scroll Cheats:Hans() Move your characters to an adjacent area if you become stuck Cheats:ExploreArea() Mark entire area as explored (works like the Clairvoyance spell)